Treatment For Herpes – Find Out Why The Majority Of People Focus On Episodic Treatment And Why Suppressive Treatment For Herpes Has So Much More To Offer

Symptoms of HerpesWhen it relates to treatment for herpes there are not many topics that are as under discussed in the population as the distinction between episodic and suppressive treatment.To understand episodic and suppressive treatment we firstly need to look a little bit at the herpes simplex virus life cycle.

Subsequent to the original infection (which is ordinarily because of direct skin contact with a viral shedding area) the herpes virus goes deep inside your body then hides inside a specific part of the nervous system – depending on where the initial infection occurred. In about 2 to 20 days(typically) once this original contamination takes place an outbreak erupts.During this stage the virus starts  aggressively multiplying and making its way towards the outbreak site. It overwhelms the immune system through sheer number and you begin showing some of the obvious symptoms of herpes – the oozing sores.

Now, episodic treatment for herpes basically means that you just undertake steps against the virus for the period of this outbreak – or, if you catch on, during the prodrome. What you’re doing here is essentially attacking the virus after it has started to mount the  attack against you – which also coincides with a period of physical weakness for you.This means that one’s body is weak and that you are helping it out in battling the virus. However, the downside of this is that the body won’t win its struggle, it will just force the virus back. The virus then lies dormant and waits for a new opening to attack. That is why suppressive treatment for herpes is superior and why more people ought to take a look at it.

Suppressive treatment means that you are continually taking steps intended to hold the herpes virus in check. This treatment also offers the benefit that if an outbreak does take place, you’re more able to cope with it. The virus is beaten back faster AND some people believe that it could actually even be diminished in terms of numbers of copies present in the body. This essentially implies that over time you could have a chance to eliminate all of the copies of the virus from one’s body.

This has not been confirmed however and the fact of the matter is these individuals each utilize a different treatment for herpes. There are no shortcuts and you should get educated. Herpes treatment is really a very active question with lots of people fueling the fire.

What you need to take with you:

For those who have herpes, there’s hope.

What you need to do is make the best using what you’ve got at this point and keep an eye out for promising therapies for the future.

For those who would like to learn more regarding what is currently available as a treatment for herpes and stay updated on the newest findings on this virus, visit us at: Treatment For Herpes

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Treatment For Herpes – Learn More About Episodic Treatment, Suppresive Treatment and Antiviral Drugs

symptoms of herpesTreatment for herpes is a life-long activity, this is because herpes has no cure.There are however ways to lessen the impact that this disease has on your life. One way in which you can do this is through the use of anti-virals. Anti-virals can be used in two ways: episodic and suppresive.

Episodic treatment for herpes is defined as taking anti-virals during a herpes outbreak. A herpes outbreak is defined as the time when the notable symptoms of herpes begin to manifest themselves(the sores). If successful episodic treatment leads to a rapid retraction of the sores. The results however are not guaranteed – even with the same person and the same product. One of the reasons is that most antivirals on the market work by interupting the viruses reproductive pattern. As the reproduction phase is usually over within 48 hours taking antivirals during the late stages of this period or after this period is pretty much useless in terms of impact.

Episodic treatment for herpes can be done using anti-virals that are either topically applied or swallowed. They have different purposes however. Swallowed or injected antivirals are ussually there to stop the outbreak in its tracks, while the topically applied antivirals are used to reduce the time and severity of the sores. The problem with episodic treatment for herpes is that it does very little to prevent future outbreaks.

The virus can actually grow stronger as it replicates and is beaten back into dormancy. This is why some form of suppressive treatment for herpes is recommended. Suppressive treatment for herpes is meant to block outbreaks by constantly keeping the herpes virus in check. This is commonly done for people who have 6 or more outbreaks a year. I would argue however that in such cases there is need for additional support as suppresive treatment should be the norm.

Suppressive treatment for herpes reduces the chances of an outbreak and it also reduces asymptomatic viral sheddings – a devious way by which HSV propagates itself. The use suppresive treatment in the form of anti-virals seems unnecesarily aggresive to me. There are products out there that have better health profiles that pumping anti-virals in you for the rest of your life.

My point however is that since you are going to likely have this disease for the rest of your life you need to integrate some sort of suppresive treatment into your lifestyle. This is because this suppresive treatment will decrease the chance of an outbreak and will lessen the severity of the outbreak. It can also make episodic treatment more effective. This in turn gives you a chance of slowly eradicating the virus from your system. There are people who claim to have been cured through this approach but these are very hard to verify due to the viruses unpredictable dormancy patterns.

Remember, you are going to have herpes for the rest of your life. Get educated about your options and be smart. We have put together a lot of great information dealing both with the diagnosis and the latest available treatments for herpes so make sure you check it out: Treatment For Herpes

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